Monday, January 19, 2015

Tea & Embroidery: Current, Ongoing and Upcoming Projects. 1/19/2015

One of the fun new things that I've been playing with is this pencil that I've found!  I can create my own designs with it, using tracing paper and an iron.
Here is one of the first designs I made with it.  I'm still working on the finishing the actual design, but I love it!
I am planning this one to be a series.  Here are the two that will accompany it, eventually.

This is a design I'm working on for a friend of my Mother's.

And of course, the most fun!  Present making!  This is for my Nephew's 12th Birthday at the end of this month!  It's almost finished!

His brother will receive his for his 11th birthday in June.

My final (for now, of course) ongoing project, is one that will take a while.  I am making, eventually, a dress.  It's a medieval styled dress, with these really dramatic spoon sleeves.  And, being myself, I thought it would look really beautiful to do some embroidery along the edges of the sleeves..... I'm not even half way done with the first sleeve, but it is looking incredible!

I will keep you all posted on the different projects, as I make progress on them!

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