Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Dragonfly Dreams Crafts: Vintage Inspired Turban Project...

Yesterday I picked up a new book from the library, called "Chic On a Shoe String: Simple to sew Vintage -Style Accessories" by Mary Jane Baxter.  And there were so many projects that I could not wait to try within it's pages! (you can find this book for sale on Amazon).
This morning, I whipped up my first project!  A Vintage Styled Turban made out of a t-shirt.
This is the completed version.  It was quite simple to make, and I thought very cute.  I put it on and one of the thoughts that ran through my mind was: "if I was going through Chemo and lost my hair I would want something stylish like this to wear."  And a good friend of mine thought the same thing, and commented thusly on my photo.

All of that to say, that later today, I stopped at our local catholic charity store and picked up a bunch of fun patterned t-shirts.  And I am hoping, to be able to make quite a few of these cunning little turbans, and to decorate them with buttons, embroidery, etc. and be able to donate them to a Oncology department or to a place that works alongside women who have lost their hair due to Chemo.

I promise that I shall keep you all posted, and post pictures as I work.  What I want to come up with, though, is a name that I can call this.  So, please, if you come up with any cute, clever or even just whimsical names, please comment and let me know what they are!  I would love all of your input!

Here's to creative re-purposing and re-affirming!

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