Saturday, March 14, 2015

Dragonfly Dreams Crafts: Spring Cones & Blue Birds!

I never seem to leave Judy's house with more than I came.  Such was the case yesterday.  I was there to figure out a pattern (which I was way over-thinking!) and left with 2 patterns, and the fabric I needed to try the second pattern.
This pattern was for these adorable little guys!  (I am so enjoying making them!)

These sweet little blue birds have been a lot of fun to make and I am planning all sort of different color combinations.  I will post more pictures of the colors as I come up with combinations!
I have another darker bird I made as well, that I played a little with.  Adding flowers on the wings.

The pattern I was going to Judy for help with was this one: Spring Cones.
Here are the other ones I've been working on, and the mixes and matches.
Fun spring fabrics!

Deciding on the combinations.

So, Judy, thank you for encouraging me and for being open to helping me as I learn!  I look forward to many more little birds, and for sewing parties at your place!

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