Thursday, February 11, 2016

Felt Wreath Project

I have been working on a applique project that uses felt.  I realize that, for my first project in applique I dove in rather head first.  But that does seem to be my preferred method.

Now, I cannot take credit for this wreath on myself.  It was a tutorial that I found on Pinterest.  Here is the link to the tutorial and the patterns for all of the floral pieces.

I chose to use a polyester and wool mix felt for the background squares, but then used a fully polyester felt for the floral pieces.  The tutorial calls for neon colored embroidery thread, and I chose to use shades of blue, gray and white with white and crystal seed bead accents.

To begin, I cut out the background felt squares and connected them, using masking tape to connect them as I used the widest zig-zag stitch on my sewing machine to connect them.  I then drew a guide on the felt, that I used to lay the flowers out in their wreath shape.

I cut the flowers out of white polyester felt and using hand-sewing, I completed the various centers ready for attaching them to their flower counterparts.  Laying out my design, I attached them with straight pins, and then using a simple tack stitch, I tacked each of the flowers and centers into place.

Using an embroidery needle, I then began to attach the flowers more firmly, using a simple back-stitch, which they give instructions to in the tutorial.

While I haven't finished the wreath, yet, I have made significant progress and am well pleased with how it is turing out.  It hasn't been terribly difficult, only rather tedious as the stitch to attach the flowers takes a while.  But, believe me, the end result will be well worth your efforts.

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