Thursday, December 12, 2013

Country Diary of a Lady: 12/12/2013

It has warmed up, considerably.  We hit 8 today!  Much better than -12 yesterday morning.  Perhaps this cold snap has snapped...  Clouds moving in, thin and high.  Like someone is drawing a blanket over the sky.  Last night the moon was very bright, making the snow on the pine trees stand out with hauntingly beautiful clarity.  Last night, I barely slept.

Last night I watched the remaining 3 episodes of “The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady.”  After they show you her meeting Ernest and their engagement they began to do a lot of jumping backwards and forwards through time, and took me all the way to the moment I would have rather not seen, when Edith falls into the River Thames.

(I had wanted to leave Ernest & Edith happily ever after.) More than that though, it showed Ernest’s grief at his loss of Edith.  He had loved her so very completely.  And only got to spend 14 years with her.  That seems so incredibly unfair.

I cried.  I had felt such kinship with Edith, and had rejoiced as she had met Ernest and he had won her and now here he was, without her. Heartbroken.

She has touched me.  Her story, her quiet life.  Her joy in the simplest blossom and delight in the deepest dell.  I was inspired to begin this blog, to try to examine my world with the same wonder and delight as she viewed hers.

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