Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Country Diary of a Lady: 12/17/2013

The last few days have been much the same.  Gray skies, broken occasionally by a watery winter sun, alternately with fast and furious bouts of snow.  Thick blankets of the stuff lay all about.  And have since just before Thanksgiving.  We have a good foot of snow lying in a thick, heavy blanket all across the ground.

Last Friday night the moon was a few nights short of being full.  The sky was mostly clear, and the moon shone brightly.  Add to that the beauty of the halo that encircled the moon, and the shining blanket of snow that shone all around.  It was a beautiful night.

We are looking towards more snow in the next few days, the ice on the lake is well established and the broomball courts and ice skating courts are well begun in preparation for the arrival of all of the families on December 27th.

I am looking forward to a break, time to spend with family, and walks out into the beauty of the winter world.

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