Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Country Diary of a Lady: 01/21/2014

I drove past the paper factory in town this evening.  The stacks were spewing moisture into the air.  Moisture that promptly became heavy white clouds.  Clouds that sank rather than rose.  For it is indeed cold.  They wreathed the factory buildings, shrouding much from the eye.  And the lights from the city lit them with an internal brilliance, making them sometimes white and at other times they had an orange or pink glow to them.

I started training yesterday for my very first 5K.  I am hoping that this will be only the beginning of a new journey for me.  Today’s exercise consisted of lugging far too much laundry up and down the stairs.  And when I say too much, that is precisely how much I mean.  I think I have not done laundry in a month!  So, I had three large laundry baskets plus one mesh bag full of clean and folded clothes now, all sitting piled on my floor, two stories up.  Out this morning, down two flights, haul out of car, shove in machines, take out of machines, sort and then fold and set neatly in baskets, re-stuff into car, carry back up two flights of stairs, which means that I did my portion of stair climbing for the day!  WIN!

Tomorrow it will be back onto the treadmill, literally.  A good workout after work, I think.  Though whether it will be my Couch to 5K program, Jillian Michael’s 30 day Shred or a two mile walk, I’m not certain just yet.  But I will be putting in my time.  This I can promise you.  Because, you see, this is for real.

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